Importance of Wall Primer Before Painting Home

Are you going to paint your home walls and do not know where to start? After cleaning the walls, it is important to prime the wall for painting. Applying a wall primer is important to prepare the wall before the actual paint. You might think that a wall primer is unnecessary, but professional wall painters will differ in this opinion.

If you have hired a professional team of wall painters for the job, they will ask for a wall primer. If you are renovating your room and want to do a little DIY paint session for the walls, then you should know more about the wall primer formula. In this blog, we will discuss the importance and need for wall primer as an application coat.

What Is a Wall Primer?

A wall primer paint acts as a preliminary preparation layer on your house walls before the actual paint coat is applied. The function of a wall primer is to establish a smooth and strong foundation on the walls so that you can apply the paint coat without any difficulty. A wall primer protects your walls and helps smoothen the application of paint.

Applying a wall primer first will simplify the work for you or the painters you hire for the job. The wall primer also creates a layer of adhesive that grips the paint and sets it on the wall properly. With the use of primer for your wall, you can create a long-lasting paint coat on your wall. The paint and texture you create on the wall will last for years without chipping off the painted wall later.

What Is the Purpose of a Wall Primer Coat?

In this section, we elucidate the properties and benefits of using a wall primer before the wall painting process.

Better Paint Adhesion

The application of a wall primer coat on your room walls improves the adhesion and stability of the paint coat on a wall. The primer acts as an excellent bonding agent between the paint particles and the wall surface, allowing the paint to cling to the wall better and keeping it in place.

So, you get a rich finish and a completely set paint coat within a short frame of time. Because of better adhesion, you also get paint that lasts for years and does not need to be repainted because of fading or chipping.

Sealant Effect

The wall primer also has a sealant effect that protects the wall and the paint in place. Your house walls will have pores because of the cement and concrete used. The pores can cause an uneven paint coat and lead to an infusion of moisture later on.

This happens in most homes that have been painted without proper prep of the walls. The wall primer seals the pores and stops the flow of moisture from the environment into the walls and the paint. So, your paint coat stays in place and also does not develop damp stains or foul odour from moisture build-up as it goes old.

Improved Paint Coverage

The paint coverage and the richness of the shade matter in the final result of the painting process. Usually, good quality wall paints come with built-in primer and excellent paint coverage. However, if you want to improve the spreading of your chosen paint and its coverage, then you should go over the surface with a good wall primer. The wall primer improves the spreading of the paint and also gives even coverage so that the paint shade truly comes out and looks beautiful on the wall.

With the use of an excellent wall primer, you reduce the need to go over with multiple paint coats as you get great paint shade and coverage in one go. The effort and time taken to paint the wall and dry the paint coat are reduced by manifold if the primer has been applied properly. Whether you are doing the job by yourself or painters are doing it for you, the wall primer just makes the process easier.

Colour Precision

A wall primer can come in different shades, and you can choose a wall primer that suits the paint shade you are going for. A complementing primer shade for the wall can enhance its colour as a final result. By using a wall primer in the correct base shade, you can enhance the colour of the paint coat and get a precise shade that is unique and rich. Therefore, for great results on the painting job, you need a paint primer for your wall.

Therefore, to create a uniform surface to paint the wall, you most definitely need a good wall primer. There are different types of wall primers available in the market today. For example, you can find latex-based primers that will give a uniform base for water-based paints or latex-based paints. Moreover, you can also apply shellac-based primers to your wall if you want to improve paint adhesion, coverage, and sealing. The sealant effect of shellac-based wall primers is excellent for creating stain-free and odour-free walls.

When Should You Use a Wall Primer, Ideally?

A wall primer coat is necessary for different types of walls and paint jobs. Firstly, if you have a new drywall that has no preparation, a wall primer becomes a necessity. Secondly, wall primers might also be necessary when renovating your home and making major changes to the paintwork that was done earlier. The primer can also seal the pores for patched-up walls that could be dry and flaky.


A wall primer makes the painting process easier and gives excellent final results. If you want your walls to look vibrant and beautiful for many years, then you should pick a good wall primer. A professional wall painter will always suggest the use of wall primer for major paint projects. At Hippo Homes, we have a range of home painting supplies, including top paint coats and wall primer formulas for your next home renovation.