How to Choose the Right Wash Basin Size for the Bathroom?

The wash basin is an important fitting in your bathroom as it can be the centre of cleaning and washing. The wash basin should be strong enough to fit all your cleaning needs. You need good wash basin quality and durability for your bathroom to be used for years. When selecting a wash basin, you need to take a lot of factors into consideration. When creating your bathroom space, you need special attention to hygiene and maintenance as those are the main purposes of the area.

However, when planning the bathroom, also make sure that you create an aesthetically pleasing space to relax and indulge in self-care. Choosing the wash basin dimensions and style is crucial to creating an elegant bathroom space. People often make the washbasin the focal point of their washroom space because when a person first enters the bathroom, he goes for the wash basin.

Why Is Choosing the Right Size of the Wash Basin Important?

Choosing the right size of the wash basin is very important to make sure that the wash area does not look haphazard or out of place. The wash basin should be of the right size so it blends into the other elements of your bathroom design. The wash basin size should be comfortable for you and should be easy to clean regularly, too. It all depends on your personal style and preference.

What Should You Consider When Picking the Wash Basin Size?  

There are some important factors to take into consideration when picking the wash basin size for your bathroom. The most important factors are as follows-

The Bathroom Size

The size and dimensions of the space into which the wash basin will be installed matter a lot. You need to have a designated bathroom area and a particular size of space in mind before choosing the wash basin size for the room.

For small bathrooms, you should choose a small or medium-sized wash basin. To maximise the space and create a storage area for your toiletries, you can install corner-style wash basins that bring the corner space into utilisation.

The Location of Other Fittings

The space where the wash basin will go and the size of the wash basin will depend on the location of the other fittings, like the toilet seat and the shower. All the bathroom fittings should not be close together as they do not give you space to move around and maintain your hygiene. The wash basin should not be installed in the middle of the space between the toilet and the shower.

The wash basin should be installed a bit away from the shower head and the toilet seat to give you space to clean, drain, and not contaminate. The fittings should be arranged around the bathroom in such a way that it does not look messy and cluttered. The fittings should also be planned to give you enough storage space for cleaning supplies and tools.


The mounting of the wash basin also matters a lot in the choice of wash basin that you choose for your bathroom. Small basin sizes are usually easy to wall mount. If you have a small washroom, then go for a small, wall-mounted basin that can be fit into the corners of your bathroom or in a small area to save space.

Small wash basins get the job done while also saving space in the small area. Large basins usually come as standalone units that need a complex installation process. The large basins are usually meant for large, luxurious bathrooms that make the washbasin the focal point of the room. Medium-sized basins also come with standalone units to be installed.

Size of the Family

The bathroom is a space that is usually used by all the members of the family. The members of your family need ample space to wash, so the wash basin matters a lot. If you are living alone or have a small family, a small basin can be a good choice. However, for nuclear families and couples, we suggest medium-sized basins which can be used by two people at the same time.

Family-sized bathrooms can also choose a medium or large wash basin with two or three faucets installed so that multiple people can use the basin at the same time. For example, you could brush your teeth at the same time as your partner or your kids. You can use the double faucet large wash basin to get ready for bed with your best friend when she is there for a sleepover. A medium or large wash basin is a great choice for a family home and when the bathroom has enough space for the wash unit.

How to Measure the Wash Basin Size?

Here are the dimensions that you have to measure for the best wash basin size for your bathroom. If you want to get the design and position of your wash basin, you need to consider these dimensions.

  • Length- The length of the wash basin is measured parallel to the back of the wall to which it is installed.
  • Width- The width of the basin also determines its size. For example, you need to measure the distance that runs back from the perpendicular of the wall.
  • Height- The height of the basin is the length of the space from the floor to the brink of the basin where it is fixed.
  • Depth- The depth of the wash basin is also determined by considering its true size. The distance from the top of the brink to the drain opening determines the depth of the wash basin.


Once you find the right wash basin size for your bathroom space, you also have to choose one that is made of durable material and has a stylish finish. You also need to choose the style and drainage of the faucet to be fitted to the basin. For a family bathroom, you should get a large basin with double faucets. At Hippo Homes, we help you find the best basin, faucet, and other bathroom fittings for your home. Buy from us now and build an elegant bathroom for your home.