How to Buy the Right Water Softener?

There are a few characteristics that you must keep in mind when buying a water softener. Read this article to know more.

How to Buy the Right Water Softener?

If you live in an area that has hard water, you know that it can take a major toll on your skin and hair. Hard water is rich in salt, calcium, and other minerals, and often, it can cause skin to break out, and your hair to fall. Hard water also destroys bathroom fittings such as your pristine faucets, by turning them black and spotty. Now, no matter how old or new your home may be, you certainly don’t want your faucets getting damaged! A great solution is to buy a water softener (also called water softener systems) to convert the hard water into soft water, and bid your woes goodbye!

There are a few characteristics that you must keep in mind when buying a water softener. Some of these are:

1. What Type of Water Softener Do You Need?

There are a few different types of water softeners that are available in the market. These are:

a) Salt Based Ion Exchange Water Softener:

If the water in your home is very salty, then this type of water softener might be the right choice for you. It creates an ion exchange in the water by allowing it to flow through two different tanks containing resin and brine respectively. The salt is replaced with other minerals like iron and calcium to make it softer.

b) Salt-free Water Softener:

If your faucets and appliances have begun to turn black due to the hard water, it means that you have a scaling problem and you need a water softener that can function as a de-scaler. Such water softeners stop the hard minerals from settling on the faucets, thereby preventing damage.

c) Magnetic Water Softener:

This type of water softener works as a clip-on device that uses magnetic fields to repel the hard minerals in the water and keep them away from the opening of the pipe. As a result, those minerals will stay within the pipes even when the water is running.

d) Dual Tank Water Softeners:

This type of water softener system is designed to ensure that you get soft water at all hours of the day and night. Regular water softeners need time to recharge and during this time, they do not soften the water. The recharging usually takes place at night, and typically this is not a problem. The dual tank system has a second tank that kicks in when the first one is recharging so that you can enjoy soft water at night as well.

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2. Size of Your Family

The size of your family will have a significant role to play when you select the size of the water softener. More the number of people, the more water they use. Based on this, the water softener needs to be able to accommodate the right amount of water, so that all members of the family can enjoy a comfortable shower (instead of just the first few who got into the bathroom!)

3. What Features Do the Leading Water Softeners Come With?

Unlike most home technology, water softeners can be quite basic. At most, you’ll find water softeners with timer options that let you control when the appliance kicks in. You’ll also find water softeners with a DIR function (demand-initiated regeneration (DIR), which recharges only when it is required. This can help save energy.

At Hippo Stores, we offer the best water softeners at wholesale prices. So, head down to our store, or browse our website today to find the perfect one for your home!

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