Creating the Right Ambience with Lighting!

Why do some homes feel warm and inviting, while others feel clinical and cold? The answer is surprisingly simple - it’s lighting. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not just talking about the temperature of light bulbs (though that can impact your ambience greatly). Shape, placement, size, and a variety of other factors can transform your home into your safe haven when considered carefully!

Why does great lighting have such a strong impact on aesthetics?

Consider the last time you saw a well-directed film. The cinematographer probably took great pains to direct your eye towards different aspects of the frame, telling a story even before words are uttered.

This is exactly what lighting can achieve in your home. When used correctly, lighting can be used to create height, depth, brighten certain elements in your home to attention, create a cozy spot, and even balance a distribution of shadows and light to add drama to a space. In other words, great lighting lies at the heart of any good interior design project, and you simply cannot ignore it!

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How to use lighting to create the perfect ambience?

There are a few things to consider when crafting the perfect living space. For starters, each room in your home cannot have the same tone as far as lighting is concerned. Why? Because each room is used for different purposes.

Your living room is meant to draw in your friends and family, so dramatic and mood lighting with the help of LED lights can be great. If you have certain paintings or sculptures that you’re proud of owning, using downlights or up-lights (depending on how these items are placed) can create a spotlight effect and immediately draw one’s eye.

Similarly, let’s consider a bedroom. The ambience here needs to be cozy, and not overly stimulating. The idea is to use warm-toned lights that do not disrupt your circadian rhythm, (your body’s natural sleep clock which is highly impacted by the temperature of lighting) and allow you to drift off into a comfortable and deep sleep. Small ceiling lights positioned just above your bedside table can help create such an ambience. On a similar note, you can use low wattage bulbs in lamps that can be placed directly on your bedside table.

When you’re about to remodel your home or are building a new one, consider the following when purchasing any lighting:

  1. Are there any architectural features that you want to draw attention to? (pro tip: you can use LED strip lights in false ceilings to create great ambient lighting)
  2. What is the functionality of the room? (For instance, a study may require bright lighting so that you or your children can concentrate on work. Filling it with low wattage mood lighting won’t help!)
  3. What are the colors in your home? This is where the temperature of the lights come into play. Warm toned upholstery can look washed out in white light, but come to life when you place natural white or yellow lights in your home.
  4. How large is the space? Dim lighting, though beautiful, can sometimes make spaces look cramped. If you’re creating a cozy corner, this is fine. However, you might want brighter lights for rooms that should appear larger, like the dining room.
  5. How bright should the lighting be? Diffused and dim light creates an intimate space, while bright light creates a more open environment.

At Hippo Stores, we believe that the perfect home is just a few strategic purchases away! Have a look at our range of lights to start creating the ideal ambience in your home today!

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