3 Reasons Why Your Living Room Needs a False Ceiling!

False Ceiling doesn’t just make your home look more modern, but also adds a lot of sophistication to the space it’s added in. Read more.

3 Reasons Why Your Living Room Needs a False Ceiling!

If you’ve been paying attention to interior design trends, you’ve probably noticed that most contemporary homes have a false ceiling. False ceilings are also known as drop ceilings, and this is because most commonly, they feature a panel that is at a lower height than the rest of the ceiling. This décor element (of course, it’s a part of your décor!) doesn’t just make your home look more modern, but also adds a lot of sophistication to the space it’s added in.

Have you been wondering whether you should start browsing false ceiling designs for living rooms? We’re here to tell you exactly it’s a hard yes!

1.  They Add More Style to the Space

Many people picture rectangular panels when they think of false ceilings, but the truth is that they come in many forms. Exposed beams, whether made of cement or wood, can add a sense of drama to your living room, and even make the space look larger. False ceilings with built-in fans (and design elements on the base) have also become extremely popular as they combine two functions in one go.

The type of false ceiling that is apt for your home will depend entirely on the size of the room, and the overall décor of your house. For example, if your style is very traditional and ethnic (antique furniture and lots of paisley prints) then exposed wooden beams on the ceiling will fit in with your décor splendidly. On the other hand, if your décor style is minimalist, then simpler false ceiling designs (such as the rectangular ones you were imagining) are perfect.

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2.  They Can Brighten Up Your Room!

Confused? Well, don’t be! False ceilings can be fitted with a variety of LED lights, as well as LED strip lights within them. As a result, the simple act of installing a false ceiling in your room can lead to an addition of lighting in the space, brightening it up considerably.

If you happen to have a minimalist aesthetic, you probably don’t want a lot of light fittings and lamps showing in the room. Ambient lighting such as cove lighting and track lights can make sure your room is brightly lit, without the lights themselves stealing any attention.

3.  They Help With Energy-efficiency!

Who would have thought that installing a false ceiling can be an eco-friendly act! When you have false ceilings in your home, you’ll notice that your reliance on heating will decrease during the winter months. This is mainly because there is a gap between the false ceiling and the actual ceiling of the room, and air tends to be trapped in there. This ensures that the room stays warmer naturally for a longer time.

On a similar note, since false ceilings are made with LED lights, you can expect your electricity bills to be lower. You can also install LED lights in different colours (white, natural white and yellow) to change the ambience to suit different events in your home.

Here’s an important factor to consider - it is believed that false ceilings are most suited to rooms that have a minimum height of 7.5-ft. This is mainly because a lower ceiling that has a false ceiling may end up making your room look smaller. However, these days, there are multiple solutions available in the market, and consulting with an interior décor specialist might help you find the perfect size even for shorter rooms.

At Hippo Stores, we sell a variety of high-quality false ceilings that can make your living room look truly special! Have a look at our products page, or simply visit our store and speak to our experts for guidance!

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