9 Myths About Modular Kitchens vs. Reality!

We did our research and found out that there are numerous myths about modular kitchens. In this blog, we will try to bust 9 such myths.

9 Myths About Modular Kitchens vs. Reality!

Modular kitchens have become extremely popular over the past few years. They are functional, easily maintainable and add a modern touch to your home.

However, there’s a big segment of customers who believe that modular kitchen may not be the ideal choice. We did our research and found out that there are numerous myths about modular kitchens.

In this blog, we will try to bust 9 such myths.

1. Modular Kitchen is a Costly Affair

People believe that getting a modular kitchen can be as costly as commissioning an interior designer. Well, that is not at all true. It is much more cost effective than going for a professional interior designer who can make a big dent on your pocket. To your surprise, getting a modular kitchen installed is far less expensive than remodeling or revamping your existing kitchen.

2. They Cannot be Customized

Most people believe that modular kitchens are very basic and do not offer much in the way of design options. You’ll be surprised to know that not just these kitchens can be customized, but they also come in different types of shapes, sizes and styles. You can pick and choose from numerous designs which can accommodate different appliances according to your likings and preferences.

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3. They are Not Suitable for Indian Cooking

Well, cooking is cooking, whether you are preparing Indian aaloo ka parathas or tossing a pizza. One of the biggest pro of getting a modular kitchen is that you can customize it as per your style of cooking, taste and habits. You can choose between a surface gas stove or a hob, get a built-in oven or a simple OTG. Get a pantry to keep your food items organized, a chimney to ensure the smoke finds its way out, wicker baskets for onions and potatoes; and a good dish-washer to wash your dirty plates and pans.

4. Cleaning and Maintenance is a Big Hassle

With a modular kitchen, you will have fewer individual items to clean, hence cleaning becomes much more hassle- free and fast. Since many appliances are integrated into one single unit, you won’t have to clean each product individually. For example, some integrated dishwashers have a cutlery basket within them, making cleaning quick, easy and efficient.

5. They are Not Eco-sustainable

Did you know that modular kitchens can be made with eco-friendly material like bamboo and rubberwood that can be recycled after use. Meaning no guilt when you toss those old cupboards out after some years of use. They’re also easy to maintain because all the pieces are modular; if something breaks or needs replacement, it’s quick and easy to replace it.

6. They are Not Durable

The durability of a modular kitchen depends on the quality of the material, installation, and maintenance. The longevity of a modular kitchen can be determined by its design and how well it has been installed. If you are considering buying one, then it would be wise to check that your preferred supplier includes a comprehensive warranty for their workmanship - preferably covering all components for at least ten years after installation.

7. Only Suitable for Large Kitchens

The next myth is that modular kitchens are only suited for large kitchens. This is not true. Modular kitchens can be designed for any kitchen size, and there are numerous ways in which they can be made more efficient and flexible compared to traditional kitchens.

The best part about modular kitchens is that they allow you to use every inch of space in your kitchen. In fact you get option to add more elements as and when you need them, such as extra storage cupboards or an island unit when entertaining guests at home.

8. They Don't Offer Enough Storage Space

In most cases, modular kitchens have plenty of storage space. Some modular kitchens even have built-in pantries and cupboards that are designed for extra storage. In addition, you can also decide which items deserve more attention and where they should be placed within your kitchen.

9. They Take Months for Installation

Many people think that installation of modular kitchens take months, even years to complete. The fact is that modular kitchens can be installed in less than half the time a traditional kitchen takes.

Buy Modular Kitchen from Hippo Stores

Modular kitchens are a preferred choice for homeowners these days. They offer you modernity with flexibility and is a cost effective option too.

Get the best modular kitchens at the lowest prices only on Hippo Stores! Our highly trained experts are always available to answer your questions and help you in taking a well-informed decision basis your needs and requirements. So, head to nearby Hippo Stores, or visit our website today!

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